Tag Archives: deltaspike

YAML configuration for DeltaSpike

YAML is a nice and readable format for configuration allowing to set your properties hierarchically making them organized and readable.

Let see how to use this format with Apache DeltaSpike @ConfigProperty injections!

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Align TomEE and DeltaSpike ciphering configuration

When you develop an application relying on a container for its awesome features you often hit the fact you use several code bases to do the same thing. In the context of this post it will be the ciphering of the passwords in the configuration:

  • TomEE does it using PasswordCipher API
  • DeltaSpike does it using ConfigFilter API
  • So finally you end up having to maintain two ciphering solutions which makes hard to production teams to maintain the configuration without developpers.

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DeltaSpike configuration: read where you want and decrypt passwords

DeltaSpike configuration: read where you want and decrypt passwords

DeltaSpike configuration is a very elegant configuration solution for CDI.

However to make it fitting your application you often need to integrate it:

  • to read the configuration from the source/location you desire
  • to use a custom algorithm to decrypt passwords or sensitive data

Read your own configuration file

There are generally three cases to add a custom configuration file:

  • respect a company convention
  • read it from outside the application (in ${tomee.base}/conf for instance ;))
  • read a custom format (yaml, xml, …)

In this post we will tackle the second one since mixing the last two solves generally the first one and the last one is mainly the same solution with some specific conversion logic I don’t want to enter in for this post.

So our goal will be to read the configuration from ${catalina.base}/conf/my-app.properties and add it in deltaspike properties.

To do so we just need deltaspike core:


Then we need to implement a custom org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.config.ConfigSource reading ${catalina.base} from the corresponding system properties (our implementation will have a fallback on openejb.base property for openejb embedded tests):

import org.apache.deltaspike.core.impl.config.PropertiesConfigSource;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Properties;

// uses ${base}/conf/my-app.properties as source
public class MyConfigSource extends PropertiesConfigSource {
    public MyConfigSource() {

    public String getConfigName() {
        return "MyAppConfig";

    private static Properties loadProperties() {
        return new Properties() {{
            final File config = new File(
                System.getProperty("catalina.base", System.getProperty("openejb.base", "")),
            if (config.isFile()) {
                try (final InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(config))) {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

Then to “activate” it just create a META-INF/services/org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.config.ConfigSource containing our qualified class name.

Decrypt passwords with your own algorithm

To decrypt password DeltaSpike uses org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.config.ConfigFilter implementations. It has two methods:

  • filterValue: actual decryption
  • filterValueForLog: decryption for logging, in general I just log “xxxxxx” if my filter handles the value

For this post the decryption will just reverse the value but a real implementation can use any ciphering considered secured in your environment:

import org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.config.ConfigFilter;

public class MyConfigFilter implements ConfigFilter {
    public String filterValue(final String key, final String value) {
        return isEncrypted(key) ? decrypt(value) : value;

    @Override // filter passwords and secrets in logs
    public String filterValueForLog(final String key, final String value) {
        return isEncrypted(key) ? "xxxxxx" : value;

    // for the sample just "reverse" the string but in real life use some encryption
    private String decrypt(final String value) {
        return new StringBuilder(value).reverse().toString();

    private boolean isEncrypted(final String key) {
        return key.contains("password") || key.contains("secret");

As for ConfigSource and since this classes are used before CDI is started to configure DeltaSpike itself don’t forget to register the filter adding the fully qualified name in META-INF/services/org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.config.ConfigFilter.

Now if you set for instance in your configuration:

my.password = tset

And get my.password injected:

@ConfigProperty(name = "my.password")
private String pwd;

Then pwd value will be test :).


The code of this post can be found there: https://github.com/rmannibucau/deltaspike-config-example.

The interesting part is to understand deltaspike can be integrated with all kind of configuration and environment which is the main feature of a configuration API. Then you still get it integrated with CDI for free thanks to DeltaSpike @ConfigProperty which makes your application simple and decoupled from your actual configuration system.

Get git information in your CDI application easily thanks to DeltaSpike and git-commit-id-plugin

Having SCM information in the project is really interesting to dump them at startup for instance.

There are several ways to do it.

One easy is to use templating-maven-plugin and filter a .java with these information but it has several drawbacks:

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DeltaSpike Data: repositories with DTOs!

DeltaSpike is now providing a Data module allowing to use interface or abstract classes as repositories for JPA (a bit like spring-data). It got recently a new feature aiming to support DTOs pattern.

I’ll just show how to use it on a simple “User” entity in this post.

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