Tag Archives: cloud

IBM BlueMix CloudFoundry set up or how to get TomEE on BlueMix

IBM BlueMix is the new IBM cloud platform. It supports Docker, cloud foundry and openstack. As a default EE container, they offer WebSphere Liberty Profile. But your preferred EE server is not that complicated thanks to the extensibility of the platform.

This post shows how to deploy your TomEE application on BlueMix pretty quickly.

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TomEE on OpenShift with Maven?

I already blog posted about how to deploy TomEE on cloudfoundry using the standalone framework (TomEE on CloudFoundry). It was mainly based on the tomee-maven-plugin to create a tomee ready to start and cloudfoundry maven plugin to deploy it.

The main competitor of CloudFoundry is OpenShift. The question is can we do the same?

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TomEE on CloudFoundry

Deploy TomEE on CloudFoundry is not (yet?) proposed out of the box but it is not so complicated to make it real!

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