Monthly Archives: October 2012

ScalaEE with OpenEJB?

Scala is one of the most buzzing language based on the JVM nowadays.

Scala is finally compiled into java bytecode so we should be able to use JEE in a scala program, no?

Here a simple sample prooving it works!

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Arquillian TomEE Remote log format

Arquillian TomEE Remote is pretty awesome but sometimes the logging format used (production oriented since that’s TomEE) is not so readable for test.

Here how to make it more JUnit friendly;)

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Arquillian Warp and TomEE

Arquillian Warp is a great extension to the (now) well known Arquillian library allowing you to execute client code (web browsing for instance) and validating server state.

The last released version is the 1.0.0.Alpha1. I got some issues working with it so here some tips to make it work as fast as possible.

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Create a TomEE accessible through SSH with TomEE Maven Plugin

I already blogged about the way to connect to TomEE through SSH.

The idea of this post is to do the same but more easily using the tomee-maven-plugin.

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TomEE maven plugin: reload your app automatically!

TomEE maven plugin is pretty powerful since it can deploy the application of the current pom, deploy other applications, add librairies to the container, create a zip of the server and attach it to the build etc…but in development reloading of application is pretty nice.

This feature was added this week on trunk.

Here how to use it.

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OpenEJB ApplicationComposer and WebServices (SOAP/REST)

A quick tip to show you ApplicationComposer of OpenEJB can be used to test WebServices too.

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TomEE on CloudFoundry

Deploy TomEE on CloudFoundry is not (yet?) proposed out of the box but it is not so complicated to make it real!

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JAX-RS/JAX-WS configuration for TomEE 1.5.0

JAX-RS endpoint configuration was not possible (or not easy at all) in last TomEE release. The brand new one makes it possible.

It is important to be able to add custom providers, custom (cxf) interceptors or features…

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Tip: take into account with EJBContainer

EJBContainer doesn’t have to take into account file. For those who were using new InitialContext() to start their (OpenEJB) container for tests it can be quite strange.

An easy way to solve it is to read manually the properties file and give the properties to the createEJBContainer method. Doing it your will be used but the java one (${java.home/lib/ will be ignored where it was taken into account before. Same with system properties…

So what to do?

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