Monthly Archives: January 2014

A little fix and TomEE Maven Plugin works with OpenEJB Standalone!

Hi, since few minutes you can use TomEE Maven Plugin with OpenEJB Standalone (let consider it as TomEE without Tomcat).

Basically you just declare in your pom:

  <version>1.6.1</version> <!-- in SNAPSHOT ATM -->

When you know the interface we use to handle TomEE start/stop is the same for TomEE and OpenEJB standalone it looks quite obvious but we needed to clean up some TomEE specific stuff. To make it a little bit easier we added an option useOpenEJB:


Then simply start OpenEJB with your application with:

mvn tomee:run

Note: option like simpleLog still works 🙂

BatchEE CLI, WAR and OpenEJB?

In my previous post I presented you BAR format which is usable with BatchEE CLI. This works fine with Spring, DeltaSpike CdiContainer and JSE stuff but not that well with EE containers which don’t know (yet?) this format.

That’s why BatchEE CLI can now support WAR format.

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A Bar for JBatch users with BatchEE?

JBatch spec is a nice progress for JavaEE even if few details are not that perfect yet however it only targets devs. That’s why Apache BatchEE tries to tackle production too.

Between all proposals included in this project its CLI (still in progress but already usable) has an interesting feature: bars!

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Further in the JBatch test proposal!

Some days ago I wrote a post on how to test a JBatch batch more easily making it synchronous (+ few other features). BatchEE proposal goes today one step further allowing to test steps!

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Arquillian and TomEE: deploy remotely without hacks!

Arquillian is a great way to deploy an application in a container to test it. However the framework itself doesn’t know if the container is local or remote. TomEE adapter (the bridge between arquillian and tomee) was supporting local deployment but remote one was quite hard and needed to workaround a bit arquillian which was not that fancy.

Since yesterday you can do it easily!

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