Monthly Archives: March 2015

JBatch: report about a previous step!

JBatch is a nice API proposing some auto-monitoring. As all operations, the entry point is the JobOperator and from an executionId you can get several information like status, metrics, start/end time etc about the job and its steps.

But is it possible to auto monitor a batch?

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JSON and WebSocket: Johnzon to the rescue

When writing a WebSocket endpoint the first thing you do is to create the endpoint (connection point) then you have to define the protocol to use. Because of what is modern IT world it is quite common to use JSon as payload format for WebSocket messages. Of course you can use any JSon mapper you want or JSON-P directly but you can actually go a bit further and that is what does Johnzon in its coming 0.8-incubating release.

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CDI and @Startup: SOLVED!

Speaking on the CDI list about CDI 2.0 standalone container API Jozef Hartinger sent an answer which is quite obvious when you know it but which can change your life if you don’t: how CDI 1.1 introduced @Startup without the need of EJBs.

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CDI and Instance: 3 pitfalls you need to know

Recently on OpenWebBeans mailing list a nice discussion was started by Karl Kildén about its usage of CDI Instance.

This API is nice and useful but it is not as trivial as it can look. Let’s dig a bit into it.

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