Monthly Archives: December 2013

To few helper to test JBatch batches?

Recently BatchEE (Apache implementation of JBatch based on the Reference Implementation) got a test module. This is still “experimental” and can change but here is the first proposal.

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ModelMapper + JBatch = Easy integration pipeline

JBatch is great as a way to standardize batch writing but there is nothing in the spec itself to do anything concrete (JPA, JDBC, …). In JavaSE you feel quite naked (even if BatchEE and Spring-Batch try to fill this providing some components) but in JavaEE it looks quite obvious: your JBatch components are CDI beans so you get easily injected your EntityManager and then do what you want as easily as saying it!…or almost. It is quite trivial for reader/writer but you rarely want to persist what you read when your batch is a database to database one.

That’s where the new ModelMapper integration module from BatchEE will help you.

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Did you notice last TomEE includes JSR 356 (WebSocket) in the box?

Since Tomcat now packages JSR 356 (little name of websocket 1.0 specification) TomEE inherited of it in its last release.

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